To change Google language settings from Japanese to English may be useful to study English.

Today, I’ll talk about easy but impressive settings.
I think a lot of people use Google to study.
Please look at the upper right. There is a gear-shape setting button.
There is a setting button “language” on the second from the top, then click there.
By doing so, even if Japanese environment, I’ll be able to obtain a search result in English.


What kind of effect does this have?
firstly, you can get more information.
secondly, you have exposure more and more English, you can get more knowledge.
thirdly, you’ll Study would become fun.

BTW, I am talking to bossy, but I can’t at all speak English. lol
Let’s do this.

I was just now talking about “more information”.
This is a one result.

Japanese word “サーバー” search is result.
約 68,400,000 件 (0.49 秒)

English word “Server” search is result.
About 1,500,000,000 results (0.53 seconds)

You are surprised. aren’t you?
me too. lol
it was 20 times. Kaioken?

I must use it properly for adaptation to circumstances.

How was it?

Have a good day.

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投稿者: Takeken

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