
Innotop って何ぬねの




MySQL on localhost (5.1.73-log)                                            up 4+19:39:33 [05:07:50]
 Queries: 2.4M   qps:    6 Slow:   30.2k         Se/In/Up/De(%):    44/07/27/01
             qps now:   16 Slow qps: 2.0  Threads:   17 (   1/   0) 69/00/06/00
 Key Efficiency: 99.8%  Bps in/out: 902.1/ 3.3k   Now in/out:  1.6k/25.0k

      Id      User         Host/IP         DB      Time    Cmd Query or State
       --      ----         -------         --      ----    --- ----------
   120839    wp       localhost     wp         0  Query show full processlist
   120872    wp       localhost     wp         0  Sleep


$ cd /tmp

$ wget

$ tar zxvf mytop-1.6.tar.gz

$ cd mytop-1.6

$ perl Makefile.PL
Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at Makefile.PL line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 1.

$ sudo yum install perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.x86_64

$ perl Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite Term::ReadKey 2.1 not found.
Writing Makefile for mytop

$ sudo yum install -y perl-TermReadKey.x86_64

$ make
cp mytop blib/script/mytop
/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/mytop
Manifying blib/man1/mytop.1

$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch"
ok 1

$ sudo make install
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man1/mytop.1
Installing /usr/local/bin/mytop
Appending installation info to /usr/lib64/perl5/perllocal.pod

mytop -uユーザー名 -pパスワード -dデータベース名 -s表示更新秒数

超超超超 超適当だが、RH6系ならこれでOKでしょう。愛の革命である。

では Innotop を

$ wget

$ rpm -ivh innotop-1.9.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm
エラー: 依存性の欠如:
        perl(Term::ReadKey) は innotop-1.9.1-1.el6.noarch に必要とされています
        perl(Time::HiRes) は innotop-1.9.1-1.el6.noarch に必要とされています
        perl-TermReadKey は innotop-1.9.1-1.el6.noarch に必要とされています
        perl-Time-HiRes は innotop-1.9.1-1.el6.noarch に必要とされています

$ sudo yum install perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 ReadKey

$ sudo rpm -ivh innotop-1.9.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm
準備中...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:innotop                ########################################### [100%]

innotop -u <username> -p <password> -h <hostname>




$ innotop -u root

まずダッシュボードというのが表示され@キーでセッティングができる。-write オプションをつけて起動することでコンフィグファイルが作成される。

You can enter the name of a new connection to create it.

_____________________ Choose from _____________________
localhost   DBI:mysql:;;mysql_read_default_group=client

Choose connections for this mode:
$ ls -la /home/takeken/.innotop
合計 16
drwxrwxr-x.  3 takeken takeken 4096  9月 25 03:21 2014 .
drwx-----x. 15 takeken takeken 4096  9月 25 03:21 2014 ..
-rw-------.  1 takeken takeken 2758  9月 25 03:21 2014 innotop.conf
drwxrwxr-x.  2 takeken takeken 4096  9月 25 03:19 2014 plugins



Innotop – MySQLのためのリアルタイムで高機能な調査ツール




Dashboard (? for help)                             localhost, 14d, 2.03k QPS, 47/2/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

Uptime  MaxSQL  ReplLag  QPS    Cxns  Run  Miss  Lock  Tbls  Repl  SQL
   14d                   2.03k    47    1  9.34     0   233  Off


When   Load  Cxns  QPS     Slow   Se/In/Up/De%  QCacheHit  KCacheHit  BpsIn   BpsOut
Now    0.18    47   1.06k  0      99/ 0/ 0/ 0       0.00%    100.00%  98.44k  312.83k
Total  0.00   200  95.99   8.46k  39/ 2/ 2/15       3.85%    100.00%  22.65k  163.85k

Cmd    ID        State               User    Host           DB      Time   Query
Query      1084  Copying to tmp tab  zabbix  localhost      zabbix  00:03  select distinct t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression,t.error,t.priority,t.type,t.value,t.state,t.lastchange,t.status from hosts h,items i,functions f,triggers t
Query  21073924  statistics          zabbix  localhost      zabbix  00:00  SELECT DISTINCT i.itemid,i.hostid,,i.key_,i.value_type FROM items i,functions f WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid AND f.triggerid='25764'


[RO] InnoDB Row Ops (? for help)    localhost, 18m, InnoDB 37s :-), 2.43 QPS, 46/0/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

____________________ InnoDB Row Operations ____________________
Ins     Upd   Read     Del  Ins/Sec  Upd/Sec  Read/Sec  Del/Sec
447978  6164  8613385    0   365.18     3.54   1466.47     0.00

___________________ Row Operation Misc ____________________
Queries Queued  Queries Inside  Rd Views  Main Thread State
             0               0         1  sleeping

_____________________________ InnoDB Semaphores _____________________________
Waits  Spins  Rounds  RW Waits  RW Spins  Sh Waits  Sh Spins  Signals  ResCnt
 2704  88722  171928      1370      7992      1612      2423     7872    5929

____________________________ InnoDB Wait Array _____________________________
Thread  Time  File  Line  Type  Readers  Lck Var  Waiters  Waiting?  Ending?

IキーでInnoDB IOスレッドモード

[RO] InnoDB I/O Info (? for help)  localhost, 11m, InnoDB 24s :-), 94.06 QPS, 45/0/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

____________________ I/O Threads ____________________
Thread  Purpose               Thread Status
     0  insert buffer thread  waiting for i/o request
     1  log thread            waiting for i/o request
     2  read thread           waiting for i/o request
     3  read thread           waiting for i/o request
     4  read thread           waiting for i/o request
     5  read thread           waiting for i/o request
     6  write thread          waiting for i/o request
     7  write thread          waiting for i/o request
     8  write thread          waiting for i/o request
     9  write thread          waiting for i/o request

____________________________ Pending I/O _____________________________
Async Rds  Async Wrt  IBuf Async Rds  Sync I/Os  Log Flushes  Log I/Os
        0          0               0          0            0         0

________________________ File I/O Misc _________________________
OS Reads  OS Writes  OS fsyncs  Reads/Sec  Writes/Sec  Bytes/Sec
   25807      20496       4738      12.62       15.54      20655

______________________ Log Statistics ______________________
Sequence No.  Flushed To    Last Checkpoint  IO Done  IO/Sec
488391487586  488391485562  488372267940        2329    3.54


InnoDB Deadlocks (? for help)       localhost, 14d, InnoDB 0s :-), 59.33 QPS, 46/0/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

______________________ Deadlock Transactions ______________________
ID  Timestring  User  Host  Victim  Time  Undo  LStrcts  Query Text

____________________ Deadlock Locks ____________________
ID  Waiting  Mode  DB  Table  Index  Special  Ins Intent



[RO] Replication Status (? for help)              localhost, 11m, 100.31 QPS, 45/1/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

____________________ Slave SQL Status ____________________
Master  On?  TimeLag  Catchup  Temp  Relay Pos  Last Error

___________ Slave I/O Status ____________
Master  On?  File  Relay Size  Pos  State

______ Master Status _______
File  Position  Binlog Cache


InnoDB Buffers (? for help)         localhost, 14d, InnoDB 0s :-), 2.01k QPS, 47/0/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

____________________________ Buffer Pool _____________________________
Size    Free Bufs  Pages  Dirty Pages  Hit Rate     Memory  Add'l Pool
64.00k          0  57259        38287  1000 / 1000   1.02G           0

_______________________ Page Statistics ________________________
Reads     Writes     Created  Reads/Sec  Writes/Sec  Creates/Sec
82398572  184370653  2902397       0.00        0.00         0.00

_______________________ Insert Buffers ________________________
Inserts   Merged Recs  Merges    Size  Free List Len  Seg. Size
32045780     32045439  22191372    47           2890       2938

___________________ Adaptive Hash Index ___________________
Size   Cells Used  Node Heap Bufs  Hash/Sec    Non-Hash/Sec
2.11M                        8277  4905000.00    6115000.00


[RO] Command Summary (? for help)                   localhost, 6m, 60.61 QPS, 45/1/0 con/run/cac thds, 5.1.73-log

___________________ Command Summary ____________________
Name                    Value  Pct     Last Incr  Pct
Com_select              12779  55.13%        247  53.12%
Com_show_status          3410  14.71%        117  25.16%
Com_update               2081   8.98%         32   6.88%
Com_begin                1502   6.48%         21   4.52%
Com_commit               1502   6.48%         21   4.52%
Com_insert                919   3.96%         24   5.16%
Com_admin_commands        622   2.68%          1   0.22%
Com_set_option            136   0.59%          1   0.22%
Com_show_tables            62   0.27%          1   0.22%
Com_change_db              50   0.22%          0   0.00%
Com_show_engine_status     39   0.17%          0   0.00%




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投稿者: Takeken

インターネット利用者のITリテラシーを向上したいという設定の2次元キャラです。 サーバー弄りからプログラミングまで手を付けた自称エッセイストなたけけんの物語。


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です