Hello, I’m Takeken.
I’m pretty hardly at a mail check on the morning, but this adds one to WordPress plugins WP-CLI !!
WP-CLI is very nice plugins that It’s checked WordPress Core, WordPress Theme, WordPress plugins , It is a very good WordPress plugins for me who do not use the Auto-Update system.
Well, let see to how to install.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar chmod +x wp-cli.phar sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
All systems go ?
Ok. And so, let’s create a script.
vim wpcheck.sh
#!/bin/sh MAIL_TO="YOUR MAIL" HOST_NAME="YOUR HOSTNAME" Version=`/usr/local/bin/wp core check-update --path=/pathto/wordpress` Plugins=`/usr/local/bin/wp plugin status --path=/pathto/wordpress` Theme=`/usr/local/bin/wp theme status --path=/pathto/wordpress` echo "$Version $Plugins $Theme" | mail -s "Wordpress Plugins CHECK $HOST_NAME" $MAIL_TO
Are you ready ?
Execute the command:
sh wpcheck.sh
Such an email comes.. Maybe.
Subjects: WordPress Plugins CHECK ****** Success: WordPress is at the latest version. 4 installed plugins: A moji-changer 1.0.0 I akismet 3.1.3 I hello 1.6 I wp-multibyte-patch 2.4 Legend: A = Active, I = Inactive 3 installed themes: A twentyfifteen 1.3 I twentyfourteen 1.5 I twentythirteen 1.6 Legend: A = Active, I = Inactive
Have you received text?
You can use it if you WordPress Update does at myself want.
If you should need any help, just let it use.
Say now, I remember!
Let’s enroll in cron.
crontab -e Exam: # wordpress plugins check 0 5 * * * /bin/sh /home/takeken/wordpress_update_check.sh
it’ll result come to you. receive at five o’clock.
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